Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet The Teacher

Hey friends! I'm linking up with my sweet friend Stephanie from Falling into First for a Meet the Teacher Blogger bit :)

My name is Ashley Benoit and I'm heading into my 6th year of teaching! I've been married to the love of my life for 9 1/2 years! He's in the Navy! IYAOYAS!  I'm a Jesus lovin'  country gal who enjoys just about anything that's outside!!! 

I met my  husband when I was at the old, old age of 19!!

My little sister is my very best friend! I love her so much! She's complete opposite of me in a lot of ways. She's super quiet and witty. I'm not witty--at all--like you tell me a joke, and *maybe* three days later, I'll understand it! 

*Question and Answer Time*

Q: These are a few of my favorite things…
Sonic Unsweet Tea, Sonic Cherry Limeades, Starbucks Green Tea Lemonade---see a pattern here ;) 

Q: If you weren’t a teacher, what would you want to be?
I would want to be some sort of advocate for safe driving or doing something that promotes safe driving. You can read about that here

Q: Three little words that describe you.
Talkative, Joyful, Caring

Q: Finish this sentence, “___________________, said no teacher EVER!!”

Q: It’s your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?
Dude, that's deep! I have to say all of my loved ones that have went to be with sweet Jesus, Jase Robertson (So he can realize that he is really my husband's twin), George Strait so he can sing to me, Walt Disney, just because, he's Walt Disney---oh AND MY FAMILY OF COURSE :) 

Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
I have no idea

Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
Time travel! Duh!

Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying?
“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.” - Joshua 24:15

Q: If you HAD to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
Anyone that knows me understands that I can never just pick *one* favorite song..but I'd have to go with "Carrying Your Love With Me" By GEORGE STRAIT

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Just depends on my mood!

Q: What’s your favorite resource that you’ve created in your TPT shop?

I would have to say my Printable Books
i'm addicted my classroom library! These little books make a great way to introduce new skills

Q: Share something we might not know about you!  

I also sell skinny wraps and my life saver supplement of greens! Check it out here:)

Head over to Falling Into First for the rest of the fun!

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  1. Hi Ashley! I love that you would be an advocate for safe driving.It drives me NUTS when someone is texting, putting on makeup, etc while driving. Your money printable book looks amazing!! Blessings to you this year!


  2. Ohmygosh...time traveling would be amazing! :)
