Sunday, August 10, 2014

Breezing Through Back To School

Hey friends! My blogging friends and I have put together a little Back To School Blog Hop for you!  I know you enjoyed what Kristen from A Day In First Grade had to share!!!

Last year, I really focused on getting myself organized. Organization is one of the HARDEST parts of teaching, but with the right tools, it's so much easier. We have to keep a data binder, so these inserts made my  life SO much easier!! I have to stay on top of my to do list and use my time very wisely. 
In order to make the most of my time, I try to work during lunch four out of five days a week. I take one day to enjoy lunch in the lounge or with a friend. This way, I am able to get somethings accomplished and not go crazy at the same time :) One thing that I do during my "working lunches", is I always play music softly. It helps me not feel so alone or like I'm never getting a break. I do simple but necessary tasks. I do not try to run around like my head is cut off. I'm either grading papers, sorting things or looking for lesson ideas for the next planning cycle. 
Data collection is the new driving force in education. The trick is to keep adequate data on each student without losing our minds :) I use my  Classroom Forms Binder for several things. It makes things so much easier!! I've separated my lesson plans, class roles, parent contact documentation, important IEP Information and data collection. These are key elements to my day and I have to know exactly where they are!  This way if I need to jot something down real quick, I just go to my binder, not some random sticky note that I *will* lose! I used to be the WORST at that! By having a documentation system, I'm eliminating the waste of paper and creating an environment that I can always find what I need when I need it!! 

This form is something I use during guided reading . I jot down little observations of each student as I can. It seems like a lot, but it's so much easier to write it as you are observing than to go back to it. I try to document on Tuesdays and the perfect world  :) This form is separate from my running records. If we are doing a sight word activity and little Tommy has trouble with a word, I just write that word down with the date. I keep an eye on it and when he masters it, I can record the progress. This is a LIFE SAVER come parent conference time. It shows your parents that you look at each student individually and you really know and understand where each student is. 

You can check out this binder right HERE!!!

Another form I included in my binder packet is my parent communication forms. . I wanted to have documentation that my parents saw their child's grades! I use these little forms for assessments at the end of a skill. I've created several versions of this form to fit your needs. The one pictured is sorted by SOL. These are the standards we use here in VA. I have blank templates included for those of you in other states. The best part about this, is that it doesn't take up much space. I just have one bin that I keep them in. In the beginning of the year, I teach my kiddos to take these out  as well as their homework folders and put them in the bin each time they go home.  (I will show pictures once my room is set up)  If you've already purchased Classroom-Forms-and-Binder-Mega-Packet-, just visit my purchases to receive the update!

Another organization tip, is each planning day I add a new paper file to translate into binders or digital storage. I'm doing this to eventually get rid of my filing cabinet. I've arranged my binders by themes or seasons. This is so helpful because I can nicely store my binders on a shelf and the filing cabinet is no longer a dumping ground!! 

Thanks for stopping by! I just recently added a little Guided Reading FREEBIE! These little readers will make great take home books!!! Another great freebie that I found from the wonderful Jen from Teacher By The Beach is this little First Day Activities!!! 

Head on over to the ever so cute Mrs. Stanford

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  1. Data can be so overwhelming! Thanks for the ideas!
    Go Nutty with Me!

  2. Thanks for sharing your ideas. Love the guided reading freebie!

  3. You tackled the LEAST FAVORITE of my 'chores'...I hate data stuff. Just peep into the bag I sat in the corner on Friday afternoon and you will know I am telling the truth!!

  4. You look super organized! I hope you have a great smooth start!

  5. Data collection is so important for guided reading! I think a lot of teachers tend to overlook it. Great tips!

    Mrs. Wheeler's First Grade

    Mrs. Wheeler's TPT

  6. Thanks for the ideas for organizing data!
