Saturday, October 26, 2013

Interactive Number Journal

How is that I have two children that are COMPLETE opposite?!?! One (oldest) dislikes school with a PASSION. You would think we were asking him to run 100 miles in the pouring rain when all he has to do is homework. The other one (kinder) gets sad when it's Saturday because there is no school! He even asks for MORE homework. Every day he wants to do extra "school time" as he calls it. We had our first conference the other day and his teacher said he is also very eager in the classroom!!! I don't know WHERE this comes from!! He loves math and numbers, and I wanted a way to practice those number words early on. I know how tricky they can be later on...So I came up with this little fun Interactive Math Number Journal! You can use this journal in several ways. My little one wanted to glue it into his own spiral notebook. But I thought it would be cut and easy in the classroom to glue it onto construction paper. That way you can work on it as you need to. I plan on making a set with higher numbers, because he will get to 20 pretty quickly!!!  

It includes numbers 1-20!!

His favorite part is the high light the number section :) 

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1 comment:

  1. What a cute idea! Love the different representations of numbers.

    Compassionate Teacher
