Thursday, October 24, 2013

Guided Math Tips and Resources

Hey Friends! If you haven't noticed, I've  really been enjoying our guided math routine this year! We've had so much fun while learning all at the same time! If you are not familiar with Guided Math, it follows the same routine as Guided Reading! Students are working in cooperative learning groups while the teacher pulls students who need remediation or intervention. This gives you a chance to see where each and EVERY student is.

I typically introduce each topic in a whole group setting, then we start our stations. Students are practicing the skill the first day. I will also sometimes give a pre assessment.  The first day, I am rotating around each station to see where students are struggling. I group my students by how they did on the pretest. The groups will change, depending on the skill. My struggling students for money, might be different then the students who struggle with word problems. The following day, we start off with our stations again and I pull each group to re-teach the skill. We follow this routine for several days. About the fifth or sixth day of instruction, I will give a mini assessment to see where our struggles are. Using this data, I might re-group my students for intervention.

While I'm working with my intervention group, my students are completing centers. The skills are a combination of the current SOL and previously taught skills. This way, the students are working on skills all throughout the year, not just when the pacing guide says to! I don't have my kids rotate. Just the math tubs rotate. You can read more about that here

Reasons why I *LOVE* Guided Math:

*Students are doing engaging, hands on, interactive math activities
*Teacher meets with every student in a small group setting
*It's not BORING! Kids LOVE IT!

Here are my FAVORITE Resources for Guided Math:


That's the reasons in a nutshell! I have SEVERAL posts on guided math and resources to use! My blogging friends also have tons of ideas so I decided to do a little linky party!

If you have a post about guided math, feel free to link up, just be sure to add my image to your post and link back to this post!!! Don't have a blog? Leave a comment of what you would like to know about guided math or your favorite guided math tip!!!

Till Next Time!
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley!

    I am literally just in the first phases of launching guided math in a similar way to yours. I am nervous, but excited to try this new model. I appreciate you sharing your ideas and resources. They were very helpful.

    Compassionate Teacher
