Saturday, November 1, 2014

Election Day

Last weekend I spent some time in NYC with some of my blogging buddies and my sister! We had such a blast! I can't wait to go back!
It was so great to meet these people "in person". 

This week we dove into elections. This skill can be kind of boring for firsties so I tried to make it as fun as I could! We started off with using a few election poems.  I used the poems for part of my shared reading in my balanced literacy routine. The kids loved them poems and they are full of sight words so it was a win win!!! 

My handwriting is horrible so I whipped up these little anchor charts to give the students that visual aide that they need so much. 

We used my pocket chart vocabulary cards to present the material in another aspect. I love watching the kids refer to these materials when we are discussing the skill. It shows me that they really do need the extra reinforcement. 

We also used my ABC Order center during guided reading groups. I love this because it only has  a few words so they can really understand how the concept of ABC order works. This is a skill we will work on ALL year long. I can't wait to see the progress they make with this. Research shows how learning ABC order tremendously helps the literacy development. I couldn't agree more. The students really focus on the letters and the sounds they make in order to put the words in ABC order. 

You can get all of the activities that I talked about plus much more in my Election Unit!

Here's a few other little previews for you :) 

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