Monday, August 18, 2014

Who Monday

Hey friends! I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin for a little post about ME :) 

My name is Ashley Benoit and I'm heading into my 6th year of teaching! I've been married to the love of my life for 9 1/2 years! He's in the Navy! IYAOYAS!  I'm a Jesus lovin'  country gal who enjoys just about anything that's outside!!! 

I met my  husband when I was at the old, old age of 19!! We got married when I was 20, and have been married for 9 1/2 years! 
Mike and I have a lot in common but we have a lot of opposites, too. For example, I'm in *love* with anything that comes from APPLE. iMac, iPhone, iPad, we had to visit the Apple store the other day. I was just browsing waiting for my MacBook Pro to get fixed...five minutes later, Mike takes the kiddos and is like "we are just going to go walk around"....I'm like okay, have fun!  He comes back with a Brighton box and a Pandora box! I was like "Ohhh I love how you walk around the mall". Haha. Seriously, I'm a super lucky lady. This man is simply ahhh mmmaaazing.  

My little sister is my very best friend! I love her so much! She's complete opposite of me in a lot of ways. She's super quiet and witty. I'm not witty--at all--like you tell me a joke, and *maybe* three days later, I'll understand it!  She's super smart and so talented! 

My older brother! He's in the ahem... "CHAIR" Force..AKA Air Force :) Love you, Chaddy! 

My "little" brother :) He's a fireman, just like Daddy was!

I just recently did my first 5K! It was SO MUCH FUN! If you haven't tried a Color Run, I encourage you to do so! I was super happy with my time, because I run on flat land. This race was in Asheville, the middle of the MOUNTAINS!

My Aunt, Cousin and I--AFTER the race!

Q: What’s your favorite resource that you’ve created in your TPT shop?

I would have to say my Printable Books
i'm addicted my classroom library! These little books make a great way to introduce new skills

I'm kinda of that girl that ALWAYS has something going on..let's see..Mom, Wife, Teacher, Blogger, Gym, Little League, andI also sell skinny wraps and my life saver supplement of greens! Check it out here:)

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