Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back To School Projects

I don't know about y'all but the end of summer is sneaking up on me! I find myself so wrapped up in what I need to to prepare for the beginning of the year that I am forgetting it's *still summer*. So I am trying to slow down just a bit! I wanted to share a few projects that I've been working on...and then I'm headed to the pool ;)
My wonderful husband offered (haha) to *help* or completely make this cute bench! First, he used left over wood to make a bench frame! 

Next, he painted the frame an off white color. 

Then, we went to the local craft store and purchased fabric and a cushion! With my teacher discount, I only spent $21!!! 
 He placed the foam on top of the board and secured it with a tad bit of contracting glue. Then he wrapped the fabric around the board and began to staple it (using a man's stapler haha).

This is the finished project! A side from letting the paint dry, it only took about 45 minutes! My husband is amazing and I can't wait to put this cute bench in my classroom! He measured it out so my fabric bins could fit right underneath it!! 

My next project has been trying to get myself completely organized for the new school year! Last year one thing that I struggled with is sending grades home after each check point. I added these forms to my Classroom Forms packet. 

I created a check point sign off sheet for each subject. This way, I have data that my parents saw their child's grades! I use these little forms for assessments at the end of a skill. I've created several versions of this form to fit your needs. The one pictured is sorted by SOL. These are the standards we use here in VA.   I use these check point folders to send home to parents to notify them of the grade their child made. This helps with my documentation because parents have to sign next to each score for their child. This way, if a parent ever claims "they didn't know" their child was performing poorly, I have documentation protecting me :)  I attach the forms in my packet to a file folder for each student, then I record their score, and send it home. The child returns the folder to me with a parent signature next to the score :)If you've already purchased Classroom-Forms-and-Binder-Mega-Packet-, just visit my purchases to receive the update!

What new ideas are you working for the new school year??

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  1. I love that bench! Your hubby did an amazing job!

  2. Can you explain a little bit more about your checkpoints worksheets and how they work, etc.? I appreciate it! Thank you!
