Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lego Birthday Party

This post is so NOT teaching related  but I have to share! My little guy (who is really not that little anymore ) wanted a Lego Movie themed birthday party! I thought that shouldn't be too hard considering Legos are all the rage these days...well I was WRONG! I had SUCH a hard time finding "Lego Movie" things! So thanks to Pinterest  and Etsy I was able to pull it off! My printables came from E &L Designs! They did SUCH a great job! And included a LOT of printables! I was able to print everything I needed! 

My little guy and his friends all LOVED it! My husband even joined in on the "Pinterest Fun" creating a "Lego Toss" game! 

He used a foam presentation board and just cut the circles out. My favorite part was that he hot glued Legos (Duplo Size) together to create six different pieces for the kids to toss. They loved it! 
It was a simple and easy game to create. He also hot glued the sides to be sure they would stand up :) 

My sister is known for amazing cakes. She said this wasn't her best "work" and that it's my fault because I bought the wrong materials...haha! Seeing as I called her FROM the cake isle, I will hardly take the blame haha!! But they were delicious none the less! I always wanted to be the mom that had all the homemade treats--execpt--I'm the world's WORST baker! I mean it! I stink at it!!! So my little sister has made just about every birthday cake for my children! She is amazing! She comes to where ever we are just to essentially bake a cake...and be there for the celebration of course!! 

My neighbor made the fabulous cake pops! I just printed the labels from  E & L Designs

These were SO easy! Construction paper, circles and Lego stickers! Boom! Cheap and EASY Decorations! 

Not the best pictures--my camera went wacky on me :) But you get the idea! Lego candy was a HUGE HIT!! 

My next favorite thing was the  Homemade PHOTO BOOTH! I'm totally taking this to school to use for parties and fun Friday!! 

I can't explain this picture. But it sure is funny!

He refused to take a normal picture haha!! I loved my "Lego Movie" Shirt find at Target! 

All and All--it was a blast! Had a great time with family and friends!! 
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