Monday, April 7, 2014

Seat Sacks AKA Life Savers

I don't know about y'all, but my firsties sit at tables. The kids love sitting at tables and it's great for small group work and instruction! I enjoy being able to move table to table to observe my students while they are working!

The negative side of tables---no storage! I had to fix this. Seat Sacks offered a solution to my problem!

My kiddo's love my sweet friend Kristin's Inquiring Minds Want To Know Packet! Can you spot it? 

The book baggies are perfect for my little friends! They keep my books safe and the bags don't rip like the ziploc bags!!! 

I could NOT have tables without my  Seat Sacks! I love how many different ways I can use them. My students can use them, and I can even use one on my chair to store my  guided reading materials! Win- Win! 

This is by my poetry center! The Hand -e- Sack offers great storage that you can use virtually ANYWHERE! It's perfect for holding extra supplies! Love!

On another note--My husband is earning to some MAJOR brownie points--he built me this great custom bookshelf, and has started on ANOTHER one :) 
How'd I get so lucky :)))

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