Sunday, December 22, 2013

13 in '13

Hey Friends!!! I'm linking up with some other bloggers for my top 13 in '13!!!

This will be hard for me to make it to 13 but I'm going to try!!!

My little one started Kindergarten! My oldest started Second Grade!! They grow up soooo fast!!!

I finnnnnnally got a full time teaching job! Like my very own classroom! After a year and a half!!!

I'm LOVING my new class! I'm back with the firsties and I LOVE IT! I have pretty much the dream team, administration and support system! My administration is so supportive and positive! I love it! 
Did I say I LOVE my new job?!?!? haha, sorry y'all


This year I managed to pull something off I never thought I could. When the tornados hit OK, I was just devastated. I couldn't imagine experiencing that kind of pain. Losing every single item you have, or a family member. I wanted to help so badly, I just didn't know how. Then something powerful happened. God spoke to my heart and walked me through the steps to put together this amazing fundraiser. I could not have pulled it off without y'all, and my sweet blogging friends! We raised just under $30,000 in five days! I was so proud of the education community!!! 


We got to go to our little mountain hideaway for Trout season. We usually only go during *deer hunting season*

Ahhh I love this place!


My baby sister graduated college this year!!

This year I feel like I've grown spiritually so much. God has given me experiences I would never chose to have on my own. But ultimately these experiences have helped me grow closer to God in a way I never thought possible. I thought I'd grown spiritually to the fullest, but what I realized this year, is I don't think that EVER happens. I think God continues to teach us  and use us as long as we are here. We all have something to learn, no matter what our field of expertise is. I feel like this year, I really learned a lot about applying my everyday life to the word of God. I think sometimes it's easy to read the bible and think "How does this apply to me today"...but what I've tried to learn is that I may not know right now what you are trying to tell me, but eventually, when the time is right, I will!! 

Something I'm very passionate about is my annual Crusade For Safety

Please take the time to read about this!! It's something very important to me! Teenage Safe Driving is SO IMPORTANT! Now more than ever as teens (and adults) experience distracted driving!!

My favorite song this year is this.. Homesick

Not a song from this year, but I just discovered it, so that counts right :) 


My favorite blog post from 2013...


Something I'm super excited about is my Donor's Chose project!!

*Eleven,Twelve and Thirteen*

I combined the last few for a lot of reasons. Mostly because of HOW important it is to me, but also because I'm running out of things to say!!!

A few weeks ago, I lost my sweet daddy. It's been the hardest few weeks of my life. Every time before now, that I thought I knew pain, I'm now reminded it was nothing that I have ever experienced before now. Even with all the pain I'm feeling, I'm  still reminded by God that I am a very fortunate young lady. I will always miss my daddy. Every time I hear "That's My Job" By Conway Twitty, I will cry. But I cried when he was here and I heard that song :) 

Yesterday, we had a chance to share God's love and help bless a family . I don't like talking about doing these things, because we do them in order to help them and share God's word, not for us to be recognized. But part of what I saw was so powerful and so moving!!! In all my hurt and pain, I looked into the eyes of little children who were so happy and grateful for our presence and blessings onto their family. All that hurt and pain went away. As I sat there with a young mom and told her about how Jesus has changed *my life* and how special that relationship is, joy overwhelmed my sorrowed heart. 

I want to end this post by telling you all that I'm extremely blessed to have you all in my life! Even though I don't "see" most of you, you are truly a blessing to have! I love y'all and love the friends I've made through this blog!! 

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  1. Ashley... Love your pictures. Congrats on your job - such a wonderful thing to have your very own class! You have an amazing heart and a very inspiring attitude! Thanks for linking up. :)

  2. Ashley - big hugs to you. I don't know how I missed the loss of your sweet Daddy. I'm so sorry. Many hugs to you....


    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  3. I love your blog!

  4. Love your blog graphics! congrats on your own classroom and happy new year! Paula @
