Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Time

What is the BEST thing about Summer Vacation!?!?!

*Family Time
*Sleeping In
*Beach Visits
*Ice Cream on a hottt day

well..maybe there are just too many for me to pick *the best* thing about summer! 
My little family just got back from our annual trip to Florida! We try and head down each year to visit family and soak up the sun! 

I love that the kiddos are getting old enough to make it through theme parks now without any major melt downs! We got to visit Legoland! Oh myyy! We had such a blast there! Several members of my family got to go and we had so much fun! We spent half the day in Legoland and the other half coolin' off in the water park! Talk about a blast! It was one of the highlights of our trip!
We spent the rest of the time just hanging out with family...oh yeah, and visiting a few other theme parks! But this post would be about ten pages long if I talked about that all day!!! 
We also had my (siiiigggh) high school reunion! It feels like YESTERDAY when we walked the field...in the rain! haha! Hard to believe it's been so long!

A few pics from our vacation! 

The hubby and I

I even got to have lunch with my sweet friend Jen from The Teacher's Cauldron! 

Now it's back to life! I must confess I did work a *tad*! My hubby was injured while on vacay and we had to have a little stay at the hospital. He was sleeping most of the time so I plugged away. I updated a few of my FIRST products and I am SO happy with the changes. My best seller is by far-- My R-Controlled-Vowels-Literacy-Packet-!! However, this was literally like the first product I ever made! So I went back and updated it quite a bit! If you've purchased this product..*please* go back and download again! You can do this by going to "My Purchases"!!! 

Here is a little preview...

R Controlled Vowels Literacy Packet!
* eight word sorts
*seven ABC Order centers, two sets for each center 
(with recording sheets) 
*BINGO Center with 8 different boards! 
*R Controlled Vowel word list posters

So what is your favorite part of summer?!?! 

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