Sunday, July 7, 2013

BTS Freebie in JULY!

Hey Everyone!!  I have been working on my Back to School packet and decided I'd give my readers a little freebie!! I know, I know! It's only JULY! But I do have some followers who are ALREADY gearing up for the ever so crazy Back To School Season! I didn't want them to miss out on a little freebie :)

Just click HERE to check  out my little sight word game! My students always LOVE this game! I posted one last year in a fall and Halloween theme. To check that out,  click here for my FALL version!!!

We are still enjoying our summer here. We've hit up the Zoo, The Gardens, Parks, GYM ( haha) and here this last week, we've visited a few water parks! What a blast those are! Our kiddos have had such a blast this summer soakin' in the rays and getting all wet!!! 
We are all so excited for the rest of our summer and can't wait to see what the good Lord has in store for us :)
Keep praying for me about a full time position--I'm really hopeful that I will get one this year! Sometimes, waiting on God's timing and not our own, is a difficult thing to do!!!

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  1. Thank you for such a cute freebie.

  2. Thank you! Praying for a position for you!

  3. Thank you for the freebie! Good luck on finding a full time position. It is so hard to put things in God's hands but always works out the way it should in the end.
    Will say some prayers for you!
    Antoinette :)

  4. Praying you get a position this year. I know how tough it is as after having a job for 5 years the past 2 years I was without one due to increase in class size and budget cuts. I recently found out I have a job next year and am beyond excited. I have to say God really knew what he was doing looking back as the year before this last one I ended up having emergency brain surgery and then later that school year I lost my dad to cancer. Now looking back I know me being a substitute was really all in God's plans as I was in no position to have my own classroom and this past year as I really wish I would have had a job it worked out doing long terms and being able to be there for my mom. God really does have amazing plans and while it is hard while you are going through it, looking back it all makes perfect sense. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this cute freebie. Good luck in your job hunt.

  6. Thank you soooo much! This will be a perfect ice-breaker for my kiddos! I'm a K-5 reading intervention specialist and this will work for most of my groups. And FREE?! Woo-hoo! I just came across this on Pinterest (and Pinned it to one of my School boards). I'll be following you through the social media sites and on TpT and TN from now and spread the word.

    REALLY hoping that you get a FT position ASAP! Keep doing what you're doing and making all these cool resources. You'll be completely decked out when you do find that classroom that's meant to be! Prayers to you and your family! Keep the faith!

  7. Keep the Faith!! I waited 5+ years and God put me exactly where I needed to be.
    Kickin It Whole Brain In Texas
